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时间:2020-11-29 10:14:30 冬天 我要投稿





  我早晨起来,觉得 好冷啊!推开窗户一看,哇,大地白茫茫的一片,仿佛穿上了一件洁白而美丽的纱裙。

  I got up in the morning, feel cold ah! Open the window to see, wow, the vast expanse of the earth, as if wearing a white and beautiful yarn skirt.


  After breakfast, I and my sister, my sister put up gloves, picked up the spade to the downstairs and heap the snowman. We decided to work together: the big belly of my sister, the snowman, and my sister and the snowman's head. I pinched a small snowball with my hand and rolled in the snow. Slowly, the snow ball was rolled into a big snowball. When my sister and the "big head" roll, sister "belly" is OK, my sister brought a bucket from home, we put the bucket on my big snowball, made a conical snowball, we put this snowball buckle on my sister "big belly", I do not know my sister brought the black briquettes dregs from where I was brought from home a carrot for the snowman's nose, and the nose below the hand painted a mouth, secretly brought from home to the mouth of the red ink, color. The sister put a big broom on the "big belly" to make its hand. A beautiful snowman is heaped up, we have a "big beauty"!


  There is a picture. Do you want to see it?



  This morning, my aunt and aunt to Feifei small Swiss made a big snowman.


  At nine o'clock, the three of us in the door to make a snowman, we first use a little bit of a shovel to clean the snow into a snow ball, looks very simple, but difficult to do.


  We shoveled the shovel about 50 minutes before we shoveled it high, but we had to make it flat with a shovel.


  Then, we have a small snowball, ready to be the head of the snowman, but too small, not.


  I ran home and took a large bag of black, the snow pack, hand it to the entire park, making porcelain, at last, I put the bag torn, glued to the snowman round belly.


  Now to the last step, we first use the black bag torn into two small discs, according to the snow, as the snowman's eyes, and then we took a eaten ham sausage bag is ed into the "face", as the nose, at last, we also picked up a few pebbles, as snow the buttons on the clothes.


  Well, a snowman has been piled up, and we have a great time.



  Although today's snow is not much, but after a night of accumulation, plus yesterday's snow, it is enough to heap 3 snowmen.


  Now, start with a small snowball and start rolling this small snowball in the snow. I roll, I roll... At first I didn't master the skills. A small snowball was broken. I had a lot of experiments. I finally realized that the small snowball was sturdy and then rolled again. It's a piece of cake for me to do a big snowball now. When the snowball rolls up enough, you can make a snowman's body, and in the same way, do a small snowball, when the snowman's head is. The rough shape of the snowman came out.


  The next step to start decorating snowman, snowman with charcoal with a pair of eyes, and then use a carrot when the snowman's nose, with pepper when the mouth, give the snowman wearing a small straw hat. At last, take two branches as the arms and hands of the little snowman, and the little snowman finished it. Oh, you see my little snowman is smiling to you!



  It's snowing today! How beautiful the white snowflakes are flying all over the sky!


  Mother said, "let's go out and make a snowman." I agreed with pleasure. Outside, I saw the trees dressed in white roof, wearing thick white hat.


  I started to make a snowman. My mother was helping me with the snow, and my job was to make a snowman. The snowman's body is hard to pile up. The snow is always filming, my little hands are sore, the snowman's body is a good pile. Then began the first mother Duitou, help me to get a small ball, I took the small ball rolling on the ground, in turn. Like a big ball. I put the ball on the snowman's body, so the head was done. I took a carrot in the house first, and put the carrot in the middle of the head, so a red nose was finished. I also found two black beans as a snowman's eyes, a curved red pepper as a snowman's mouth, and then a small pen to it as a hat. Such a naughty and lovely Snowman will be heap up.


  The snow is really fun!



  It was snowing at last. It was the first snow I had been looking forward to in the winter.


  Before I could wait for the snow to stop, I couldn't wait to run out of the house, put on my little gloves, and put my small shovel, small spoon and small spade toy out to make props, and began to make snowmen.


  I took great trouble to the snow into a snowball, tired sweating, at this time, mom and dad to help. The three of us used a shovel to make the snowball pile up to make snowman's body, and made two identical round shapes for Snowman's legs. After everything was ready, there was only one left. The seemingly simple Snowman can be difficult to do, especially the head, it does not look like it does. My parents and I used two stones to make snowman's eyes. But it doesn't seem to be alike. Finally, Dad came up with a good way to find two walnuts. I cheer with my mother. It's like a snowman. Finally the snowman is piled up, but don't look young, my head, said: "such a cold day should have the snowman scarf ah", so I found my red scarf around the neck of the snowman, and got my red hat to wear it. A beautiful Snowman appeared in front of us, and I took a lot of pictures for my little snowman.


  I like this winter, like my little snowman.



  A dark and stormy night, the weather forecast the host said: "Shanghai will be broken by the biggest snowfall since, so the state is also playing a yellow warning gas report." I was very excited because I had only seen snow, this time it was the biggest snowfall, so it must be fun.

  盼望已久的今天终于到了,果然名不虚传外面下着倾盆大雪,我高兴极了,跟着几个小朋友堆起了雪人,不时我心里会说:“Roll, roll, roll, big, bigger, biggest。 Two eyes and a nose。 Two ears and a mouth。我们先揉成一个大雪球,再放上一个小雪球放上去,齐心协力终于对好了,接着我们用纸先画好的眼睛等贴在雪人的各个地方,最后,一个帅气的雪人就做好了,哇,他的似葡萄的眼睛弯弯的笑着,鼻子小小的,你看雪人正在对着我们笑着呢,他在说:”欢迎到这雪花飞舞的世界!“

  The long-awaited day has finally arrived, was a well deserved reputation outside under the snow down, I was very happy, with several kids built snowmen, from time to time, my heart would say: "Roll, roll, roll, big, bigger, biggest. Two eyes and a nose. Two ears and a mouth. We first knead a snowball, put on a small snowball put up, finally to work together well, then we use paper painted eyes stuck in various places, the snowman finally, a handsome snowman is done, wow, his eyes like grapes crooked smile, a small nose, you are in front of our snowman smiling, he said: "welcome to the world of snow! "


  What, do you like it? Like to just pile up in Shanghai!



  One winter morning, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong go to make snowmen.


  They saw a vast expanse of white, even a layer of snow on the house, as if it were a world of ice and snow.


  They came to the garden and saw a lot of snow around the garden, and they shovelled the snow to the middle of the garden with a shovel. Xiao Ming rolled a big snowball on the ground to make a snowman's body. Xiao Hong rolled a small snowball on the ground to make a snowman's head with his hand. They put two snowball up, then the briquettes do eyes, with a carrot for a nose, they brought the scarf and hat. Xiao Ming said, "this snowman is beautiful!" Alice replied: "yes, yes!"


  The little snowman glittered in the sun, and seemed to say, "I'm very grateful to you, and let me look at this beautiful world."


  一天,我看见窗外下起了鹅毛大雪。因为此时我十分想下去堆雪人,所以我向妈妈请求。 “等雪下好了以后在下去堆雪人吧!” 妈妈说。

  One day, I saw the window under the large snowflakes. Because I wanted to go down the snowman at this time, so I asked my mother. "When the snow is ready, go down and heap the snowman!" Mother said.


  I look forward to the snow at last! I put on my hat and gloves, put on my shoes, and ran fast on the grass.


  Ah! A lot of people are already underneath, and they have made a snowman. I thought: let them do one with me! So I said, "can we do one more?" "Good!" They readily agreed.


  "Let's roll the snowball!" A little friend said. We first took some clean snow and rubbed it into a ball, and finally let it roll on the snow. We rolled three snowballs, one small, one in one, one big. We fold them up. And put two lid eyes and a banana mouth on it, put a carrot nose and two branches of the arm, and a snowman finished! We made a little snowman again. Our masterpiece - the "Snowman Family" is done!



  The first few days of the holiday, every day in the snow, watching the snow drifting profusely and disorderly falling from the sky, I felt indescribably excited.


  Finally, one day, the snow stopped, and I called my grandmother to the yard to make a snowman.

  我和奶奶两个人穿好外套,戴上 帽子和手套 一起全副武装的来到院子里,开始了 我们的工作。

  My grandmother and I wore a good coat, a hat and a glove together, into the yard, and started our two work.

  我先把落在地上的雪用扫帚扫到一起,然后再用铲子把雪堆起来,奶奶负责雕塑雪人,我用了九牛二虎的力气才把奶奶 需要的雪铲到一起, 忙了好一阵子,一个漂亮的雪人展现在我们面前,它的眼睛是两个玻璃弹珠做的, 胡罗卜是它的长鼻子, 我还把我的帽子借给了它,远远看去就像它在对着我微笑,哈哈,我太高兴了,我又多了一个好朋友呀!

  I'll put down in the snow on the ground with a broom to shovel the snow together, then, grandma is responsible for the sculpture snowman, I used with tremendous effort and energy only need to shovel the snow grandma together, busy, a beautiful snowman in front of us, it's eyes are two marbles do, the carrot is its long nose, I put my hat to it, far from looking like it is smiling at me, haha, I am very happy, I have a good friend!



  I woke up in the morning and I looked out of the window. Wow, the snow was so big! On the roof, in the garden, there is snow everywhere. Mother said to me, "after breakfast, let's go to the garden and make a snowman." I listened, opened the flower in my heart, hurried the breakfast, picked up the tool and went out happily. When we came to the garden, when we were just about to pile up, we suddenly heard a little girl saying, "little sister, can I play with you?" I turned around and looked at a big sister, and I was happy to say to her, "good, good!"


  We start to make a snowman, we first use the shovel the snow piled together, then with his hand out of the snow in two and a small snowball, and big sister picked up a long stick ed in the snowman's head as hair and rub the snowman's eyes, mouth and nose with a small finally, I use a stick, two sticks Xiecha in the snowman's body in hand. Look, a beautiful Snowman has done it! If you are free, you can come to me and make a snowman with me.








