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时间:2022-08-20 10:01:55 求职信 我要投稿




英文求职信 篇1

dear sir or madam,

  my name is qiu job. i am currently a graduate of nanjing university of posts and telecommunications in early july of XX. i am writing to express my interests in your company. the job sounds particularly interesting. it is precisely the kind of work i have wanted to do for many years. my experiences obtained from inside or outside university thus far have, i think, given me the attitudes and the understanding that would enable me to learn the details of the position you are in demand.

  if an ability to take direction well, and to carry out orders faithfully, is important to you, then i may be the good person for the job you’ve advertised.

  i’d very much appreciate the chance to talk to you, and to get your opinion on whether my background and qualification would be suitable for the job you offer.

  i can be reached by telephone at 86-138-0903-0984 or you can also send email to zhanggang0519@XXXX.com .

  thank you for your time and consideration.

  sincerely yours,

  zhang gang

  july 13, XX

英文求职信 篇2

  dear sir:


  it is an honor in your busy schedule to read my cover letter, thank you! i am a department of automation, graduating students will receive bachelors degree. university during the period laid a solid theoretical foundation for the professional, good organizational skills, teamwork spirit, pragmatic style of work.

  proficient professional knowledge of digital signal processing technology, analog digital electronics, c programming language, automatic control, 80x86 principle, etc.; skilled such as the use of windows 7/xp operating system; skilled use of office, excel office automation software; learning photoshop, flash such as mapping software.

  outstanding accomplishment on the quality of thinking, thinking of progress, benedict shou-cheng, a letter, propriety and learning the principles of life.

  social practice, a four-year university life, i have strict requirements, competency-based training, in particular the practice of manipulative ability are my strengths. low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, and i look forward to your company to become one!



英文求职信 篇3

  Dear Sir/Madam

  I would like to apply for the position of your company, advertised in “Wuhan Daily”. I feel I am well qualified for the position.

  In the year of 20xx, I won the first class scholarship in the university. I won the Excellent Student Prize. I have strong sense of responsibility, good spirit of teamwork. And I can learn new things well in short time. I am a friendly and enthusiastic person.

  I would be happy to attend an interview at any time convenient to you. In a word, I consider myself a most suitable applicant for the job. I hope to hear from you soon.

  A resume giving details of my qualifications and experience is attached.

  Yours sincerely

  Li Ming

英文求职信 篇4



  Replying to your advertisement …… Answering your advertisement …… Believing that there is an opportunity …… Thinking that there is a vacancy in your company …… Having read your ad ……

  A:(1)Replying to your recent advertisement in the Boston Evening Globe, I wish to apply for the position of sales manager……

  (2)In applying for the position of sales manager I offer my qualifications, which I believe will meet your exacting requirements.

  B:(1)I believe after reading your advertisement in this mornings Journal that you have just the opportunity I am looking for.

  (2)your advertisement in this mornings Journal for an adjustment manager prompts me to offer you my qualifications for this position

  C:(1) Having read your advertisement in the New York Times for an accountant, I thought you might be interested in my application.

  (2)In your advertisement for an accountant, you indicated that you require the services of a competent person, with thorough training in the field of cost accounting. Please consider me an applicant for the position. Here are my reasons for believing I am qualified for this work.


  A:I hesitate to state a definite salary, but, as long as you have requested me to , I should consider 6,500 a month satisfactory. 我对待遇总是无法定下确切数目,但既然您要我说明,我认为月薪六千五百元就满意了。

  B: Although it is difficult for me to say what compensation I should deserve, I should consider******a month a fair initial salary. 虽然我很难说待遇应该是多少,我认为每月******起薪合适。

  C:I feel it is presumptuous of me to state what my salary should be. My first consideration is to satisfy you completely. However, while I am serving my apprenticeship, I should consider*****a month satisfactory compensation. 我不敢冒昧提出起薪是多少。最初我仅想如何做好工作,使您满意。在学徒(试用)期间,月薪*****即可。

英文求职信 篇5

Dear sir or Madam,

  I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of teaching post in your school .Currently , I am a senior 3 student in Lanzhou City University ,my major is English.

  According to the advertisement ,your position requires topuniversity,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server

  In Lanzhou City University ,I have been working hard and doing well in the major courses .Not only I have I passed cet4,cet6, but more important ,I can communicate with others freely in English .I have good command of spoken and written English .At present, I work hard and try my best to pass the TEM4.Besides,I am skilled in computer useage ,such as CAD.

  Teaching practice do eich my working experience .During my teaching practice,I was always preparing my lesson plan carefully .I have combined theories into practice. Miss Liang Fang, my director teacher thought well of my enthusiasm, devotion, intelligence, and diligence .I was also popular with my students. My teaching practice which increase my responsibility to be a teacher ,meawhile I gain first step to my career.

  The education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.

  The working experience offered me a good chance to improve my ability.I do believe that with my solid education background and rich working experience ,I would be an excellent member of your school.

  I would appreciate time in reviewing my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and Your consideration. I am looking forward to you reply.

  According to the advertisement ,your position requires topuniversity,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

  During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

  I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

英文求职信 篇6


  (1) Clearness(明了):求职信要突出求职的主题,开场白要直截了当,不要绕圈子,应直接道明写信意图,在介绍个人情况时,应多说你能为公司做些什么。另外,层次要分明,使读信人一目了然。

  (2) Conciseness(简洁):言简意赅,文字力求简短。把必要的事项说清楚,不提与求职无关的事。尽量使用短句,少用复合句、避免陈词滥调。

  (3) Correctness(准确):达意准确。平时要注意语言修养的提高,随时收集并掌握丰富的常用习惯短语,这样才能在写求职信时运用自如,做到语言的准确。求职信中应避免使用过多的形容词和副词。

  (4) Politeness(礼貌):话语要礼貌、既要尊重对方,又要切忌迎合,恭维或表现得过分热情,态度要不卑不亢。获得招聘消息后应及时写求职信、拖延时间也是不礼貌的。 为了使英语求职信明了、简洁、准确和礼貌,应该注意如下几点:

  A、 陈述自己的工作能力要实事求是,不要夸夸其谈,过分渲染自己。如果高淡阔论夸大自己的优点,就会给读信人留下一种虚浮不踏实的感觉。应如实介绍自己的情况,让对方去判断你的能力。

  B、 说明离职原因时切勿批评目前的工作单位或负责人。如果你对目前的工作单位或负责人说三道四大发牢骚,就会让读信人认为你是个爱说长道短搬弄是非之人。试想,有谁会愿意把一个爱发牢骚而搬弄是非的.人招聘到自己的单位来呢?

  C、 自卑自贬亦不可取。如果自己都看不起自己,别人还能看得起你吗?殊不知,招聘单位对你的估计是根据你对自己的估计做出的,因此,故作谦卑也只能是恰得其反。

  D、 语气须肯定而自信,要有创意,应避免迂腐、生僻的词。


  1st、 I am not only competent to install a filing system that will fulfill the needs of your corporation, but also well qualified to operate it efficiently.(我自信不仅可以设置一套能满足贵公司需求的档案分类系统,而且可以有效地进行操作。) 在此名中使用了not only…but also,competent 和well qualified 等词语,表现得太自信,有夜郎自大之嫌,故不可取。

  2nd、I think that I should probably make a good accountant for your factory.(我想我可能成为贵厂的一名好会计员)。 此名中的情态动词should和副词probably 所表达的语气都欠肯定,而make(成为)一词也缺乏自信,整句话显得语气太弱,有自卑感,因此亦不可取。

  3rd、I am confident that my experience and references will show you that I can fulfill the particular requirements of your secretarial position (我相信我的经验和证明人可以向您表明,我能够符合贵单位秘书一职的特定需要。) 此句中的confident 一词语气肯定,给人一种自信感,而will show 和I can 也无自大之嫌,因而此句用得恰到好处,有特殊风格。


英文求职信 篇7


  I wish to apply for the position of a salesman advertised by you in JobsPower.com. I am 20 years of age and speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Shanghaiese. Aside from language advantages, I am also quite acquainted with many local soap retailers. If employed by your firm, I am sure that I shall be able to sell more soap for your firm. I have business knowledge and know the sales techniques. I know I would like my job if I am employed.

  As regards salary, I would be glad to start at HK$3,000 per month plus commission. Reference may be furnished if it is required.

  Yours faithfully

英文求职信 篇8


  Administrative Director 行政主管 File Clerk 档案管理员

  Executive Assistant 行政助理 Office Manager 办公室经理

  Executive Secretary 行政秘书 Receptionist 接待员

  General Office Clerk 办公室文员 Secretary 秘书

  Inventory Control Analyst 存货控制分析 Staff Assistant 助理

  Mail Room Supervisor 信件中心管理员 Stenographer 速记员

  Order Entry Clerk 订单输入文员 Telephone Operator 电话操作员

  Shipping/Receiving Expediter 收发督导员 Ticket Agent 票务代理

  Vice—President of Administration 行政副总裁 Typist 打字员

  Executive and Managerial(管理部分)

  Retail Store Manager 零售店经理 Food Service Manager 食品服务经理

  Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监 HMO Administrator 医疗保险管理

  Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理 Operations Manager 操作经理

  Assistant Vice—President 副总裁助理 Production Manager 生产经理

  Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官 Property Manager 房地产经理

  Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官 Branch Manager 部门经理

  Controller(International) 国际监管 Claims Examiner 主考官

  Director of Operations 运营总监 Controller(General) 管理员

  Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员 General Manager 总经理

  Management Consultant 管理顾问 District Manager 市区经理

  Hospital Administrator 医院管理 President 总统

  Import/Export Manager 进出口经理 Product Manager 产品经理

  Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员 Program Manager 程序管理经理

  Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员 Project Manager 项目经理

  Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理 Regional Manager 区域经理

  Manager(Non—Profit and Charities) 非盈利性慈善机构管理 Service Manager 服务经理

  Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理 Vending Manager 售买经理

  Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理 Vice—President 副总裁

  Transportation Manager 运输经理 Warehouse Manager 仓库经理

  Education and Library Science(教育部分)

  Daycare Worker 保育员 ESL Teacher 第二外语教师

  Developmental Educator 发展教育家 Head Teacher 高级教师

  Foreign Language Teacher 外语教师 Librarian 图书管理员

  Guidance Counselor 指导顾问 Music Teacher 音乐教师

  Library Technician 图书管理员 Nanny 保姆

  Physical Education Teacher 物理教师 Principal 校长

  School Psychologist 心理咨询教师 Teacher 教师

  Special Needs Educator 特种教育家 Teacher Aide 助理教师

  Art Instructor 艺术教师 Computer Teacher 计算机教师

  College Professor 大学教授 Coach 教练员

  Assistant Dean of Students 助理训导长 Archivist 案卷保管员

  Vocational Counselor 职业顾问 Tutor 家教、辅导教师










