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时间:2021-06-06 17:42:14 实习报告 我要投稿




英语实习报告 篇1






  一堂准备充分的课,会令学生和老师都获益不浅。例如我在教unit3的时候,这课的主题是“如何询问和回答时间”,教学难度比较大。如果照本宣科地讲授,学生会感到困难和沉闷。为了上好这堂课,我认真研究了课文,找出了重点,难点,准备有针对性地讲。为了令课堂生动,活跃,不沉闷,我还为此准备了大量的教具,授课时就胸有成竹了。当讲到“half”的时候,我拿出准备好的圆卡纸,把它剪成一半,告诉学生这是圆的一半,也就是half。讲到“quarter”时,又把半圆剪成一半,那么剩下来的就是圆的四分之一,也就是“quarter”了。这样学生就形象地明白了这两个单词。而讲到如何表达时间时,我用了一个用红卡纸做的大钟,同学们一开始就被它吸引住了,显得颇有积极性。用实物让学生练习“what’s the time? it’s?”的句型,学生特别用功,教学效果十分理想。相反,如果我没有认真备课的,那课堂将会气氛沉闷,教学效果不好,与此相比可见,认真备课对教学十分重要。特别是对英语这门学生不甚熟悉并感到困难的外语来说至关重要。


英语实习报告 篇2

  First, into Suning, and feel the take-off enterprise development culture

  Suning Appliance was founded in December 26, 1990, from the previous single selling air conditioning products to today's 3C (home appliances, computer, communication); home appliance retail chain enterprises, homeopathy into real estate and hotel, golf and other related industries in the department chairman under the leadership of Mr. Zhang Jindong; in the joint efforts of all staff, formed a unique enterprise culture. Now, Suning Appliance Market Value of 50 billion 831 million yuan, the retail industry and Chinese way ahead in the private sector, through 20 years of struggle, enterprises in 27 provinces and municipalities, more than 100 city has nearly 1300 stores, the number of employees more than 1XX0. At the same time, Suning Appliance Ministry of commerce is focusing on cultivating the "top 20 conglomerates, Suning currently operating items include air conditioning, ice wash, color TV, audio, small appliances, communication, computer, digital eight categories, nearly one thousand brands, about 200000 specifications. Now Suning stores service as the cornerstone of each into a prefecture level city, Jiangsu Ningdu supporting the construction of logistics distribution center, customer service centers and customer service center, providing retail distribution services convenient for consumers, comprehensive and professional appliance installation and maintenance service, warm and thoughtful service consultation and visit, Suning electrical wholeheartedly to provide consumers with full professional services sunshine.

  Two, experience entity marketing, participate in management, proceed from theory to practice (content of practice)

  1. familiar with the market trading rules, clear the process of commodity transactions. Into the work in the store when the first to carry out their own a rotation arrangement, from pre-sales to customer service, from the store to the warehouse, to carry out the work of the master. In the operation process, accurately grasp the marketing rules and the status quo, timely learning enterprise culture, enterprise of relevant provisions of government attention; at the same time the merchandise strict price control, continue to carry out market research, repeated systematic knowledge of commodities. Of course, in the process of marketing, follow the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, mastery over all aspects of commodity trading required attention to the whole process of the transaction clearly in mind (such as different payment methods, different delivery methods, different trading patterns and different government subsidy standard, etc.) in this series the standard, we should deal with the targeted. At the same time, all the known information should be timely feedback to the higher ups, communicated to other factories to promote employees, so that the information is open and transparent, for the latter stage of the normal and orderly conduct of commodity trading process to pave the way. In the flow of transactions, we always adhere to the "speed transfer truth, smile, highlighting service" purpose, so that the late customer maintenance and management, can be exhaustive, timely handling unexpected events. As we become familiar with the whole process, we strive to make any sales step in place and make it more clear, procedural, structured and systematized.

  2., grasp the development trend of the industry, conform to the trend of the times, keep pace with the society, from theory to practice. In the arrival of responsibility and obligation, we should learn to adapt to the social status of early cognitive, social situation, leadership and personnel of the enterprise through the store to train us, let us feel the importance of work experience and ability. So, we practice content also covers the transformation of the ideological level, from the previous to the present unsuspectingly, at a loss duty is steadfast, requires constant innovation; in order to have a more skilled ability, we should know the knowledge is constantly strengthen the enterprise should be in the state of knowledge and products; the provisions of the relevant products, we also need to keep in mind. In the high-speed development of the era, informatization, diversified and all-round talent concern; independent stage of life, we started to go from theory to practice, get rid of the shackles of our campus life; therefore, we have to perform their campus life commitment, let oneself quickly into the social life, learn to live, a an extension and expansion is superior to our leaders practice content. To accurately grasp the development of new business, the development and innovation of the enterprise information sync up, familiar with the industry (such as the United States) development trend, combined with the development trend of the overall thinking, and strive to be their sales in this module to carry out the work carried out orderly.

  3., service oriented strategic marketing, with passion activities for strategic deployment. In Suning stores work, to learn to really sincere sunshine services, according to their own local analysis, through layers of analysis and thinking, to find the best entry point of marketing. In the process of marketing, we follow the four basic principles of sales: three meters principle; regional responsibility system; sunshine service principle; the first principle of reception responsibility system. It is because of this four basic principles as guidance, in order to make our sales in eight steps (waiting for customers, customer contact, customer inquiry, real-time introduction, product recommendation, related sales deal and thanked the customer) to carry out arranged in good order. At the same time, know through the poll for each promotion of our interns and into the area of campus, and other enterprises, to formulate the corresponding characteristics of the activities, every weekend or holidays, according to higher sales of our information and feedback, make corresponding hot through promotional activities, buy gifts, the buy back campaign to stimulate consumption. meanwhile

英语实习报告 篇3

  短短的见习阶段让我在认识了自身的不足的同时也看到自己努力的方向,这段时间所学到的东西每时每刻提醒着我自己——成功,是需要一步一步稳扎实打的努力!Seeking knowledge is like planting trees:blossoming in spring and bearing fruits in autumn。求学如种树:春天开花,秋天结果。我感谢学校给了我们这次宝贵的机会,也万分庆幸我们能遇到这位和蔼可亲的指导老师——xxx老师。在老师的谆谆教导下,我对老师这个职业有了更深的认识。


  在见习的过程中,我深刻体会到没有足够的广泛的知识是万万不行的。有一次,一个学生手里拿着一枚硬币在玩,突然他叫了我一声“老师”后,问我会不会玩。我当即就跟着他那样把硬币网上抛,可惜落下来没接好。当时那个学生就不屑地发出一声语气词“切~。”为了考考他,也为了让他不至于笑话我,我问他:“你知道这个硬币是哪个国家的硬币吗?”他顿时纳闷的看着我。我把硬币拿过来把玩了一会儿,很高兴的发现在硬币的边缘有一行字“United States of America。”于是我自信的告诉他这是美元,还告诉他我是怎么看出来的。这是他对我的态度可是360°大转弯,还对我竖起了两个大拇指呢。这件事让我现在还记忆犹新,它时刻鞭策着我要博览群书,增长智慧。




  人都是在成长中积累经验的,经过懵懂—明了—深化—成功的过程,我想我现在对老师这个职业已经走到了第二步。Step by step,by doing I learn。相信有一天我能成为一名合格的教师,甚至一名优秀的人民教师。

英语实习报告 篇4















  在实习过程,单位安排的了杜老师作为实习指导,杜老师是位非常和蔼亲切的人,他从事英语翻译相关工作岗位领域工作已经有二十年。他先带领我们熟悉实习工作环境和英语翻译相关工作岗位的工作职责和业务内容,之后他亲切的和我们交谈关于实习工作具体性质以及英语翻译相关工作岗位容易遇到的问题。杜老师带领我们认识实习单位的其他工作人员,并让我们虚心地向这些辛勤地在英语翻译相关工作岗位上的前辈学习,在遇到不懂得问题后要积极请教前辈。 毕竟是人生第一次在英语翻译工作岗位上,所以真正掌握这一份工作是需要一个过程的。一开始我对实际英语翻译岗位的工作内容比较陌生,都不太清楚自己的工作范围和职责,对实习单位的情况也不
















