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时间:2020-11-29 08:21:13 运动会 我要投稿





  Today's sports events are rich, with parents jumping rope, parents and children crossing the barrier relay race, and running 60 meters to 800 meters...

  Parents and children is the most wonderful projects across the obstacle to the relay RACES, tang teacher gunfire rang for the game, see the WeiLiangYu students of our class hold the baton, across the obstacles, pass the baton to a parent, our class's cheerleaders cheered on the side, also the cries of the students, the game in a tense, suddenly, a parent lost weight falls to the ground to run too fast. 'no, what can we do? Can the game go on? At the side of the students were stunned, only to see the parents not discouraged, to resist the pain to continue the game, come on! Come on! The students shouted louder and the game was over! Our classmates and parents made great efforts to get the second place.

  The sweat and smile flowed on their faces, and the honor drive was in everyone's heart, although everyone was very tired, but everyone was very happy.


  Last Friday, we had the spring sports meeting. Our class was a big hit in the competition: not only did we stand out in the face relay, but we also made the tug of war between us and the fifth grade the highlight of the games. I was very lucky to have participated in this competition.

  Change ends, the third round began it is crucial that this round, because he can represent our class get old first, our class won the relay events, if a tug of war which we also won the first we age is well-deserved. When we returned to the good place, the right place, the right place, and people, we immediately felt confident. Only heard a whistle, the harder we try, at first inconclusive, cheerleading beside shout break throat as if we all hear, face red with only know pull hard, finally saw the teacher of a gesture, we win, we get old first!

  The games let me experience the importance of unity. The first prize is the dedication and painstaking efforts of all our teachers and students.


  Today, our school carried out the spring sports meeting.

  In the morning, we first came to the playground, the scene here is really spectacular! There is a sea of people here, and the playground is surrounded by water. Even a mouse can't get in.

  It's time for our class to enter! We shout: "good study, day day up; Bo loves bowen, chongzhen chong zhen." On one side, he walked past the rostrum with neat and steady steps. As we walked past the rostrum, we shouted our slogan four times: "study hard and make progress every day. Bo loves bowen, chongzhen chong zhen."

  After admission, we sang the national anthem and sang the school song. (.) the following is a pep talk by the principal, and then the competition rules and the schedule of the competition are finished by another headteacher. Finally, President wang announces the official start of the game.

  In the morning, it was broadcast gymnastics, and the previous several classes had irregular movements. I had confidence in our class to achieve good results. When it was our turn, I was nervous and took a few deep breaths. But I suddenly felt a bit nervous and relaxed and finished the game.

  After my lunch break, I hurried to school and couldn't wait to watch the afternoon game. The afternoon race is a relay race, and the students in our class are working on the last time. The afternoon was so bitter that there was no chair to sit on, so I sat down on the floor. At the sound of the referee's gun, the players ran as fast as they could in the wind. The baton was passed down one by one.

  The relay race was over, and at the time of the award, everyone's heart was thump and thump, and I was no exception. We have won the third prize in the relay race in our class. It seems that we will take some time in the relay race. We won the first prize in the gymnastics competition, and we can't be proud of it. We will continue to work hard in the future.

  The spring sports meeting today is really exciting.


  One day, the school is going to have a spring sports news, announced the news makes me excited, this news made me itch to try, this news made me very want to see new competitors, let me excited. I reported 100 meters long jump.

  After a while, the day of the sports meet finally let me! On this day, all the teachers and students gathered on the playground. The opening ceremony of the sports meeting began. It starts with a queue: the first one is six (1), followed by six (2),... ... ... In the end, it was a (3) class. There are three special classes: baseball team, football team, taekwondo.

  When we passed the stage, we shouted "out of Asia, into the world" and repeated it twice, quite loudly. It is the slogan of the national Olympic team.

  The day passed quickly and the games were over. Although I made 100 meters first, long jump second achievement, but there are still many deficiencies, I resolved in the usual more eager to participate in sports activities, insist to take exercise, strive for the next games get better grades.


  On Friday, although the weather was chilly, the playground of our school was a scene of vitality. Listen, whistles, cheers, applause. The annual "triple jump" is in full swing. After more than a month of hard training, the students are finally able to compete on the field.

  The playground was full of people and the north of the playground was playing rope skipping. At the sound of the referee's whistle, the young athletes waved their jump ropes, their movements were as light as a swallow, and the rope was flying like a colorful ring, hitting the ground with a crisp "crack". The shuttlecock is played in the south. The multicolored shuttlecock is like a colorful flower. Like a butterfly flying up and down, it is dazzling. Students participating in the elastic dance performances, with a quick, lively, bright rhythm, like only healthy-looking bird, their sinews on their feet like a spell, winding, unlock as their steps. Their vigorous and uplifting manner infected the students present and cheered them.

  The jump rope brought the whole event to a climax. At the beginning of the match, I and the other students in our class gathered together, waving their arms and Shouting: "class two, come on! Three, two, come on! The players jumped even harder when they heard the noise, and my eyes were fixed on them, forgetting their breath. They are like fish swimming in the water, like a light swallow, jumping so rhythmically, we count "seventy-eight, seventy-nine, eighty... "The faces turned red with excitement. I wish our class could get the first place and make the other classes look at each other. But our opponent did not show weakness, and in the end our class only finished fourth.

  Out of health, out of vigor, here we are the youth, here we are the best!


  The sports meeting we've been looking forward to has finally begun.

  The first game was 50 meters, and so did I. The women's group began to run, and Chen xiaoyu was far ahead, and there was a big round of applause on the playground.

  On the playground, there was a thunderstorm, and the teachers and classmates all smiled and danced around us.

  The game was over. I was sweating all over, but I was happy.


  Today, the sky is clear. The sky is blue and the wind is cool. Our school has a sports meeting.

  It's 8 a.m. The playground was boiling, and all the grade students were gathered in the fields that had been divided. When the principal announced the match, the whole room was in a thunderstorm.

  The first is the sixth grade running race. You see, the contestants are standing on the starting line and bending over. They hear "du... "A whistle, like the sword of a string, rushing forward.

  Then, fifth graders came on, and they were running. You see, every player runs very fast.

  The most exciting thing is to count our fourth grade "relay race". The rule of the game is that every student has to cross a blanket and return to the same place, and the other one can start when he comes back. Our two classmates, who were the first to leave, held their breath, and stood on the starting line, with a whistle of "du ---", and the students rushed out like a sword. Cheerleaders also cheered, and when the 13th student came back safely, my class lost. However, we are sure to get the honor back, and the next day our class finally won the game, and our classmates went back to football. Our squadron leader took the ball, waving it and Shouting "we win!"

  People were very excited and happy with the sound of laughter on the playground.


  Today, our school held a sports meeting. In the early morning, when the weather was clear, we all rushed to the playground. During the opening ceremony, some students held balloons, others held fans, and took a round trip, which was spectacular. The opening ceremony at the end of the helium balloons were released, the colorful balloon fly to the sky, we are glad to jump and jump, I seem to fly up, with the balloon to fly to the distant blue sky. I hope these athletes will surpass themselves like Olympic athletes and get good grades. Then some fourth-grade students performed a third set of radio gymnastics. They dressed in uniform and performed very carefully and neatly. At the beginning of the sports meeting, I sat at the front and, under the command of the teacher, waved a little red flag with my classmates to cheer for the athletes. The athletes in our class heard our "gas" and ran faster. Unfortunately, it rained and we had to go back to school.

  What a happy sports day! I'm looking forward to the next sports meeting.








