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时间:2020-11-29 08:12:32 青春 我要投稿





  Youth is the most beautiful thing in the world. Because it is short, we cherish our youth.

  Youth has left us countless memorable moments. Youth is like a song, we firmly believe that our firm footsteps will be turned into a series of notes to compose a colorful song of youth.

  Youth is beautiful, boccaccio once said, "the greatest sorrow of life is to live up to your youth." Youth is used to waste the sweat, in this stage, we should try our best, strive hard, do not leave behind regret, to our youth painting the perfect period.

  Youth is positive, we want to surpass ourselves, try to do what we have not done, to make our life more exciting.

  Song such as youth, we like the beating the notes one by one, although we sometimes enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, also sometimes pathos low, however, we always smile in the face of the vagaries of life, to accept the test of life. Youth writes a beautiful song for us.


  Youth may be the anticipation of a generation; Youth may be the sweet memory of a generation. In any case, the path of youth is an elegant expression of a generation and a pillar of the new century.

  You, he dong don't give in to the arrangement of the family, from the civil servants all the way to work. It is you with determination, tenacious interpretation of the young people's struggle direction, is the leader of youth. You, he xi love of the struggle make you reluctant to forget the journey of 'duckweed'. But she will hold you in the footsteps of your progress, how many misunderstandings and bitterness carry the happiness, beautiful dream.

  You, he nan at the beginning of the country did not hesitate to embark on the road, you are not proud to say that you can do it. True, optimistic, fearless is a generation of students of the model. You, ho, you're not as proud as your buddy to be in a bar. But the ordinary heart is also brewing a big metamorphosis, handsome once, the sentiment of life.

  You are not only the steering wheel on the youth road, but also have the friendship, the sweat water, the laughter of the ground. It is to inspire the youth to the dream of persistence, persistent in your youth without regret of the moment. Different direction, unique things north and south, looking forward to our youth road wonderful.


  The evening had come quietly, the only solitude in the world.

  Street lamp with a faint yellow, rich flavor, mixed with the coffee shop to let this cold cities is full of warmth, make me in your mind quickly draws the outline of the shape of the youth, short body, long tail, like wings fluttered, however, would not leave for a long time, light forget her familiar face.

  Youth, sometimes a kind of rose red faded into another kind of vegetation, let the first beautiful love remain on the black tape, with time forgot. There once in a while, the youth of the documentary, the but again like a ChuanFen red bells hung in the air, hands, make we don't have to not look back of the sky that used to hide laughter. Sometimes I can not help but the tears of viscous tears, and deeply the past youth - the beautiful girl buried.

  An oil lamp still has a gleam, but a song has been finished, a play has not been scattered, but a margin has come to an end...

  Under the summer night sky, there is no cold moon, there are no scattered ice crystals and countless snow beads, but still can feel the stream wind of wisps.

  Youth, we have a curtain call.


  A shooting star with a burning white light is like an elf in the night, which opens the curtain for the coming youth feast.

  When I was a child, I often wonder: why city night is always so deep, deep into the well in the infinite sky leaving only the pale moonlight, "is that in order to meet the glorious moment in your life." "what time is it?" "Quick, quick, but you must grasp it with your heart."

  Meet good, the walls of burning white line advance wave upon wave of want to be left in the depth of the sky belongs to them, belong to their stubborn, at the moment, as if the stillness of the sky is filled with the white hot.

  With the dreams of the youth as a child I stepped into the youth, in this vibrant period of time, I was through the bitter tears, but also has a bright smile, have no hope of the future, but there has been a struggle for their dreams, once for me first, but also learned for others, these memories, will be in my memory left permanent marks in the sky.

  Gradually, the light is hidden in this deep horizon, but the mark of youth is not in the endless sky?


  The snow in winter hasn't melted yet, and when the firecracker is still ringing in my ears yesterday, when my heart is still fresh, a short winter holiday will say goodbye to us!

  Although we accept as a souvenir, although we sigh, although we want to refuse from the bottom of the upcoming new semester, but the time, it will be like a wayward child, regardless carrying our flow to the distance! You can say no to a lot of things in the world, but you can't refuse time!

  So, what we can do is to start packing our own clothes and start our journey of youth again! Don't cry because it is unknown, let us breed anxiety and fear, youth is worth looking forward to scenery, we can use our sweat, watering it, make it as beautiful as boom of the spring!

  Begin to recede the holiday languid, reoccupy the clothes of youth again! Let us say to ourselves: we are ready! Not for other, only for oneself no regrets of youth! Believe it, the future is worth expecting!


  Quietly, quietly, the footsteps of youth are coming to us in a hurry.

  Youth means to grow up, mature means, means we will leave the carefree life, childhood means will take on more complicated, it means that we'll bear greater responsibility.

  Youth in the footsteps of each step, the joy of childhood is farther and farther away from us, the little girl chasing butterflies in the flowers, the bare feet frolic in the rain of the crazy girl, the wayward fragile little princess, gradually replaced by gentle lady, although it is still the same dream in the sun, in the grass, but the fantasy is not irrelevant, the powerful and unconstrained style, innocent and somewhat mature, down-to-earth action in dream.

  A moment, we have to enter junior high school the magical and beautiful gate, a new environment, new life, new faces, new knowledge, it's all in bit by bit enrich our brain and motivates us to accept new challenges.

  Stepping the footsteps of youth, to meet the new journey, lift up your face, feel the warmth of the sun, give yourself a big smile, a smile to motivate yourself, ignorant and naive reserved for memory, accompanied by the footsteps of youth, to belong to own youth time, written as the pursuit of a green.


  Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. Youth is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips, supple knees, used deep will, grand imagination, hot feeling; Youth is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

  Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. It is not an old age, it is not an old age.

  Years may wrinkle the skin. Give up enthusiasm, decadent will send soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

  Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. There is an antenna in every heart, so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young.

  When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20. As long as your antennae are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.


  Youth has its own youth. If I ask you what youth is, how do you answer it?

  You may say that youth is a silent song. The beat of the beat is consistent with the beat of the heartbeat, playing the brilliant movement of life.

  You may say that youth is a mellow wine. The longer the storage, the stronger the aroma. When leisure is poured, savor it, drink before you drink.

  You may say that youth is a charming flower. The spring breeze is full of purple and red, the competition, the decoration of a different scenery, let the butterfly intoxication.

  Once had the youth of me, then to say, youth is a brilliant zhaoxia. It can be said that it is bright red, enthusiastic like fire; It is green and full of vitality; We can say it is white, pure and pure; It can also be said to be golden, resplendent and brilliant. The rising sun rises in the east. The long sky is the admiration, the earth is shocked.

  Youth, the colorful time on the journey of life.

  Youth, only once in a lifetime, can only have happiness when it is truly grasped. There is a cloud in the old saying: "youth must be young, and youth is long." We must cherish our youth, there is no better than youth in the world, no more precious than youth.








